This printer is a rental, please be gentle! Authorization required to print and especially to do maintenance on.
Print dimension:
width: 300mm
height: 300mm
depth: 300mm
To use the prusaslicer for this printer, you have to download and import the config files. To keep the settings permanently you have to save them in Prusa under a new name, otherwise they disappear after restarting prusaslicer.
Config: k1max-placonfig.ini
We'll soon have a nozzle that will allow for a cold swap and a fitting 0.6mm and 0.8mm nozzle.
The printer is mechanically and software wise built differently from the Prusa printers. This one is much faster and the core-xy setup allows for less wobble introduction. Please use "fast" or "hyper" PLA for testing the limits, ask Dave for more.
If you are in the xHain WiFi network, then the K1 Max Klipper server can be found here:, that's where files can be thrown in. Just be aware of the button that says "upload & print", as it starts printing the file as soon as it is uploaded. So have the printer ready to print when using said button.
Before you take everything apart, remember to remove the lidar sensor first, then follow this tutorial.