AVX (short for Audio and Video at XHain) helps xHain and its members to produce talks, Podcast. Recording to a medium of your choice? You got it! Uplink a stream to the C3VOC (CCC) streaming service. We got you covered! Elaborate setups? We love a challenge .
At AVX, we assist with projects (on a best effort basis, of course) and are working on improving and and refining the processes. We also operate Medialab, which is both a sound-treated production studio as well as a control room.
Do not operate any equipment without prior introduction. Do not borrow any equipment without prior authorization.
Here is a selection of what you can do:
For simple, local use cases. Record an interview or a podcast with the Rodecaster and retrieve the recordings from the SD card. Record as multitrack if needed. Control each participants headphone- and microphone volume individually Upload sounds that you may want to use for your show to the Rodecaster and play them on cue. Play sounds from any Bluetooth-capable device. Or add a single guest via Bluetooth (note: degraded audio quality for remote participant)
All of the above, but let Ultraschall drive your Podcast recording. Add as many remote guests as you like using StudioLink with multistrack recording and support for N-1 Audio.
You can find more details about our equipment on the separate AVX page.
Can't find what you need? Contact us!
contact: @danimo, @gueldi, @niklas or @leszek
questions: visit #avx on Matrix.
If you just want to listen to music, connect your phone via bluetooth to the bluetooth receiver. Do not(!!) touch the volume sliders on the mixer!