DO NOT use the CNC machine without having received instructions and official permission from an authorized person.
Please read the Space Rules first, especially the sections on "safety" and "use of machinery".
This page is intended as a reminder and does NOT replace a personal introduction to the drill press.
Tutorial CAM in Fusion 360 (in German), gute Videoreihe vom Setup bis zum Postprozess: youtube playlist
What is this screen with all these buttons and Numbers: Mach3 Overview
What is this G-Code thing: Mach3 G-Code Manual.pdf
Sorotec Schnittdatenrechner:
CNC machines go where the computer tells them to... and don't care about anything else. So keep clear of it while it's running. Also it likes to shoot fast rotating things around at ridicioulus speeds if you do anything wrong.
The machine now knows where it is, can be jogged around and can run programs.
To produce Gcode any CAM solution that can produce Gcode for Mach3 is usable. Some very good open-source options are FreeCAD, OpenSCAD, and BlenderCAM. There are others depending on what you want to do with it and how you like to work.
Formats: *.nc, *.tap, *.ncc or *.txt.
After you modeled your part with the limits of the machine and the tooling in mind, switch to the CAM module of Fusion.
There you will need to create a Setup and a Post Process before you can create any toolpaths.
Post Process file: mach3mill_fusion360.cps
For the Setup, create some mapping of the model axis to the machine axis that makes sense in your scenario.
After that you are ready to create toolpaths that meet your requirements.
The current Opferplatte is 60x60cm
The area that the mashine lets you drive in until it stops for the softlits is:
60cm x 60cm x ? (XYZ)
If you stand in front of the machine:
Z+ is up
Y+ is forward away from you
X+ is right
The steppers are open loop. That means if you drive the machine too hard they will lose steps and the whole machine coordinate system will be permanently shifted until you re-home and potentially reset your work offsets.
wixhc mkx-iv II
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