This structure was agreed upon at a member meeting on 2022-10-07
xHain Hack- & Makespace is a physical space with a supportive community. We are welcoming to all with an inclusive mindset. We all benefit from shared resources. Through individual and collaborative projects, we encourage all to explore what each finds enjoyable, meaningful, and fun. The possibilities for growth are diverse and rewarding. We teach, we share, we learn.
The bulk of day-to-day decisions are taken by individual members or groups of members (Do-ocracy).
Members will do their best to be excellent to each other.
The activities in xHain are split into a number of Branches. These include:
Administration and Finance
Public relations
Heating control
xHain tools and resources are divided into areas, which are called branches. Members can decide to form new branches.
Members can volunteer to be a curator of a branch. Curators represent and look after the branch. Curators are also available for in-person contact.
The Enting takes care of all administrative matters which are not required to be done by the legal entity. The Enting has several members, called Ents. The Legal Entity provides the first ents. The Enting can accept new members into the Enting.
The Enting decides on a well-defined process on how new Ents are accepted and makes that process publicly available.
The Enting meets publicly on a regular basis and decides transparently on administrative matters.
The Legal Entity represents xHain in legal matters (Finanzamt, signing contracts, ...).
The Legal Entity should be involved as little as possible. Members should not call upon the Legal Entity unless absolutely necessary; the Legal Entity should not try to get involved unless absolutely necessary.
Members of the Legal Entity are always members of the Enting.
After a maximum of 2 years, the Enting is reset and the Legal Entity starts a new Enting.