Here you can find a list of things that currently need to be done or need to happen regularly plus information on how to do that. Feel free to take credit in the general chat so we can cross this off here.
This is a list of onetime infrastructure projects in the making. It main purpose is to give you an easy way to involve yourself.
The task are divided into group efforts and solo missions.
Group efforts need to be coordinate with the headmaster. In some cases it means that you would simply assist, a great way to learn new stuff. In other cases the headmaster might assist you. Mainly you should always check with the headmaster before doing anything and expect to work in a team.
Solo missions are up for grabs. If you're planning to execute a solo mission please but your matrix contact behind it.
You can add your own points to the list. Just keep in touch with the headmaster and put your matrix name behind it.
See this pad for Projects and ToDos