There are three requirements to getting an xDoor key.
- You must be a member of xHain
- You must have at least 3 members with keys who know you to vouch for you
- No key-holding member blocks your application
You can request a key at our round table meetings, just add your key request until 3 days before the meeting, so that there's a chance for people to voice concerns.
You can read more about them here:
Key requests need to be added until 3 days before roundtable meetup
You basically have two options:
- Either: You always lock the entrance door after yourself as soon as you have entered or left the space or you keep an eye on the door.
- In addition, you are responsible for the actions of these persons. This means: Do not leave people unattended (e.g. in another room) if you do not know or trust them.
- When you leave xHain everyone has to leave xHain with you, except for members who have their own xDoor key. (If you are unsure, ask them to show you how they lock/unlock the door with their mobile phone).
¶ Always leave xHain tidy and clean.
- Always leave xHain cleaner than you found it. Always clear all workspace areas and tables before you leave.
- Take out the rubbish when bins are full.