The first thing you should be aware of before entering xHain or our matrix chat is our space rules. Before spending time alone in our space, you probably already have received a personal introduction and tour. If this has not already been done, please ask any member for a guided tour on a Monday evening.
We get asked about membership a lot. Actually, xHain is different from most other spaces, since we are an open space and you don't have to become a member to hang out and have fun with us. But of course, we welcome any donations and memberships that will help support us.
As a non-member you only have access to xHain on monday nights, public events or workshops. Also prices for using some tools (e.g. our lasercutter) may differ. As a member you may become eligible to receive access to our xDoor and hence gain 24/7 access to xHain.
The monthly minimum donation is 13.37€ or more and your membership begins with the first payment. You will be assigned a random tree name, which we kindly ask you to use as description/reference in your bank transfer to our xHain bank account.
Sign up here and you will get all the neccessary information like the payment details by email:
This is how you can help out:
If you haven't done so yet, it is advisable to create an account for our Matrix Chat. This is not mandatory, but it is our main means of communication at xHain between members and also non-members. We also have a mailing list for members only, but we use it sparsely and only for important announcements or dates. Everything else is communicated in the chat.
With registering you'll also get a xHain account.
We would like to keep the #general chatroom of our Matrix Chat clean and tidy. Topic specific requests therefore belong in the corresponding chatrooms. Please create separate "channels" or "discussions" for chitchat and small talk. You can find an overview of the most important channels in our space rules
More links:
If you require storage space, you can get a personal box, our so called member box, to store your personal projects and stuff at xHain. Please take anything home with you that doesn't fit into this box. We are not a storage location and do not want to have any large craft or tinkering projects cluttering the place. The same goes for workpieces and materials like wood or acrylic plates etc.: you can store larger things for up to 4 weeks in a large box (put a name tag and date on it!). We will regularly get rid of untagged or outdated things.
We have colour coded our different work areas and marked the machines and tools with stickers and paint. Some tools require safety training and may only be used after a personal introduction from an authorized instructor and/or may not be operated without supervision. You can find information about our equipment here and more details on the color coding here.
We have an electronically controlled front door called xDoor. New members can apply for a key after gaining trust within the community. Please read the wiki page for details of the key assignment procedure and rights/responsibilities of keyholders.