Hi there,
here are some news and updates about xHain hack+makespace:
Current state: The deadline to buy the space was kindly set to early 2024. The goal is to have a sound financial plan in place before the end of the year so we can buy the space in early 2024.
Other alternatives are being explored, such as negotiating for special terms in the sales contract which would allow us to stay longer in the space after a change in ownership, or simply finding another facility to move to.
At this point many options are being pursued, but all of them are uncertain. If you would like to participate in the multiple efforts please join the Matrix room xProperty.
In the efforts for a possible transformation of xHain into an association (dt. Verein) articles of association have been written. The next step is a meeting with the Enting to discuss content and further proceedings. If you would like to paticipate please join the Matrix room xHainStruktur.
While xHain is a do-ocracy, for some areas or branches, we need coordination. You can contact the people below if you need information about a certain area, or if you have a particular request or problem you cannot solve yourself.
Appointed Curators -
purchases: Sebastian (@snordhoff)
electronics area: Dave (@davedarko)
hobelhoehle: Rafa (@urawn)
hobelhoehle: Markus (@Markus89)
3D lab: Akin (@akin)
textiles: Sebastian (@snordhoff)
New appointees in May -
Darkhain: Jascha (@NoGod)
Drinks: tig3rch3n (@tig3rch3n)
(2023-04-22) Geschäftsführung [eng. management]
The Enting suggests that the legal entity appoints the following people as new Geschäftsführer:
Sebastian, asap - 31.12.2023
Björn, asap - nd
Niclas, asap - nd
Richard, asap - nd
Dave, asap - nd
[The Legal Entity (Felix & Björn) accepted the proposal, the notarial handover is set to happen on June 16th.]
(2023-04-22) Gesellschaftsanteile [eng. shares]
The Enting suggests that Björn buys all Gesellschaftsanteile with the obligation of handing it over to a new legal structure that has to be defined.
[Accepted by the Legal Entity]
(2023-05-17) Transparency
The Enting will do their best to publish minutes of their meetings via the member channel and/or the mailing list at latest 72h after the meeting has ended. It may be felt necessary to redact names and detail of some decisions that the Enting considers sensitive, such as decisions involving personal information.
xHain is participating in this years Chaos Communication Camp (Aug. 15-18th). For more information check out the Matrix room "xHain Camp 23".
Tickets: https://events.ccc.de/2023/05/29/camp23-presale/
Am Dienstag, 20.06.2023, findet um 19 Uhr das nächste Gespräch unter Bäumen mit der Schriftstellerin Hazel Rosenstrauch statt. Welches Thema wird Hazel mitbringen? Am besten lest ihr selbst diesen originalen Auszug aus einer E-Mail: "Was das Thema betrifft, so kam mir gestern nachts eine Idee, die einen Sekundärgewinn für mich hätte, weil ich nicht so gerne nur die Dinge erzähle, die ich schon x mal erzählt habe. Es würde mir Spaß machen, entlang meiner Bücher - von denen der Großteil, aber nicht alle vom 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert handeln – nachzuzeichnen, was mich daran interessiert hat, in welchem Kontext sie entstanden sind und warum ich mich damit beschäftigt habe. Neben Frauen, Salons und Französischer Revolution kommen dabei auch Juden, Kommunisten und Dissidenten vor. Locker plaudernd, in der Hoffnung, dass ich vielleicht dadurch den roten Faden wiederfinde, der mir bei meinem gegenwärtigen Projekt (das mit den alten Persern und der KI) abhanden gekommen ist. Es wäre zugleich eine Art tour d'horizon durch Debatten und Fragen der letzten 40 Jahre. Ob das funktioniert, weiß ich noch nicht, aber es wäre ein Experiment und deshalb auch für mich spannend. Vielleicht sind in dem Zeitplan dann auch Fragen der Zuhörerinnen möglich, die neue kühne Denk-Verbindungen entstehen lassen." Wir versprechen, dass wir Fragen mitbringen, und freuen uns sehr auf deinen Besuch, Hazel! (https://hazelrosenstrauch.de)
6:30pm Beginners workshop: How to plan & build your own LED project
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup: talking about xHains future / next generation structure
6pm Open Monday
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
8:30pm xHain Wednesday Meeting
6:30pm LED co-hacking evening: Have an idea for an LED project you want to work on?
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup: talking about xHains future / next generation structure
1pm Infrastructure+Dinner: We'll get together to fix things at xHain
6pm Open Monday
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
7:30pm Qubes OS Users Berlin Meetup: https://qubesusersberlin.github.io
6pm XMPP-Meetup
8:30pm xHain Wednesday Meeting
6:30pm Beginners workshop: How to plan & build your own LED project
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup: talking about xHains future / next generation structure
8pm Spieleabend - Game Night: Analogue Game Night with card and tabletop games.
6pm Open Monday
7pm Gespräch unter Bäumen: Hazel Rosenstrauch (Schriftstellerin)
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
8:30pm xHain Wednesday Meeting
6:30pm LED co-hacking evening: Have an idea for an LED project you want to work on?
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup: talking about xHains future / next generation structure
2pm JugendhacktLab
6pm Open Monday
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
8pm neurodivergent creative nights
8:30pm xHain Wednesday Meeting
6:30pm Beginners workshop: How to plan & build your own LED project
7:30pm (digital) Accessibility get together: Ask Niclas for more details
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup: talking about xHains future / next generation structure