Hi there,
some news and updates from xHain -- and do we have some news! :
On July 7th at 7pm we have a supporter meeting and all members are invited to participate.
If you have any other topics for the supporter meeting please email info@x-hain.de until 03.07.2023 so they can be added and published
The xHain can stay in Grünberger Straße 16 in Berlin-Friedrichshain!
The landlords contacted us earlier this week and gave us the great news that they will not be selling the space after all. In addition, we have a good chance for a long-term lease. We are currently clarifying the details. We are thankful to the owners of the property for the positive discussions.
Thank you very much to all of you for your overwhelming support and your many efforts to save xHain. As a result we have been approached by many, again and again, with lots of interest and sympathy for the future of the xHain. We take this overwhelming support and encouragement as confirmation that we as a space and as a community are doing many things very well. (We also take this as inspiration to improve where there is room for improvement.) This publicity has played a large part in the preservation of our Space.
We would like to explicitly thank all donors who have directly supported us financially. All donations that were directly designated to the purchase of the Space will, of course, be returned. With the remainder of the donations we will renovate and continuously improve our Space.
For all further questions about donations and the future of the xHain you can reach us here: hurra@x-hain.de.
On June 16th Felix officially resigned as manager and shareholder of xHain. The shares went to Björn, who is the sole shareholder for now and will transfer the shares to the association once it is founded. The management was handed over to Björn, Dave, Sebastian, Niclas and Richard.
After the notary appointment we had a get-together with a few members around the corner to celebrate Felix's contributions to xHain and welcome the new managers.
We've been having issues with tools breaking due to misuse, sometimes by people who have had poor intros to a tool. Originally anyone who had had an intro could give one to the next person, but since xHain has grown so much, much information has been lost from one intro to the next.
For this reason, we feel that this system needs change, and we came to agreement that:
From now on, intros to tools can be given only by curators of an area or by other members appointed by the curator.
Hopefully this will make the space safer for our community and lower the elevated maintenance we are all dealing with due to misuse of tools.
The process of requesting an intro remains the same, ask in the proper Matrix channel of where the tool is located. The wiki will list the people permitted to give intros to each tool.
a: We generally support the founding of a Verein as the future owner of the xHain UG. The Satzung and other details will be decided later.
b: We (the Enting) want to bring up a concrete proposal for the founding of the Verein at the next member meeting (7.7.)
c: The founding members of the Verein will be the Rnting and the core contributors of the xStruktur group (Bengoshi, Micha, Max, Markus).
Add Maria to the founding members of the Verein.
Since darkhain now has a curator, darkhain receives a 300 euro budget, as the other areas with curators.
No Gespräch unter Bäumen in July due to school holidays.
Fridays from 3pm kids of age +12 can come and hangout at the space.
1pm Kindernachmittag
10pm TheMakerCast: We'll be livestreaming a MakerCast episode from the space!
6pm Open Monday
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
8pm neurodivergent creative nights
6:30pm Godot User Group Berlin
8:30pm Wednesday Meeting
6:30pm LED co-hacking evening
3pm Jugend Chilled
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup
1pm Infrastructure+Diner
2pm SLA Printing Workshop
6pm Open Monday
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
7:30pm Qubes OS Users Berlin Meetup
6pm XMPP-Meetup
6:30pm Beginners workshop - How to plan & build your own LED project
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup
6pm Open Monday
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
6:30pm Godot User Group Berlin
6:30pm LED co-hacking evening
8pm Spieleabend - Game Night
6pm Open Monday
7pm xProperty hybrid meeting
6:30pm Berlin AWS DeepRacer Competitors Club
6:30pm Beginners workshop - How to plan & build your own LED project
4pm xHain Struktur Meetup
2pm JugendhacktLab: Python für Anfänger*innen und zum Auffrischen
6pm Open Monday
All the best!