Hi there,
here are some news and updates from xHain:
The next member meeting will take place on Friday 2024-02-16 at 20:00 sharp. Please come on time. Topics to be discussed are:
The last weeks have seen a lot of commotion in the space with several interpersonal conflicts. While we are transitioning to a Verein structure, the provisional Enting structure is still in place. The idea of the Enting was to take care of "boring administrative stuff", such as hiring cleaners and making appointments with the plumbers. It turned out that there are tasks which go beyond boring administrative stuff, and that the emotional load is very high. The community appears to expect things from the Enting which the Enting simply cannot deliver. 3 Ents have left the Enting and 2 more have taken temporary breaks.
We do see that there is a need for community management and conflict resolution, but the current structure is ill-equipped for that. xHain will need better means for conflict resolution than a couple of people who had signed up for taking care of boring admin stuff.
xHain is not a top-down space where the management decrees and the members execute. Each member is invited to think about ways how a community of 200+ people can organize, and how interpersonal conflicts, which will inevitably emerge, can be addressed. The current space rules, available at https://wiki.x-hain.de/en/about-xhain/space-rules, provide a good starting point.
The current financial situation is OK, and the Enting will reserve funds for workshops or similar so that the community can agree on how community management and conflict resolution can be handled in the future. Funds for training the members taking care of these tasks will also be available. From our current experience, we can say that such training is definitely necessary, and we encourage everyone to avoid going into these conflicts without the necessary training. - All the best, the Enting
The Enting had some changes in personnel and now consists of: Danimo, Dave, Richard, Björn, Niclas, Sebastian, Lohrke, Tig3rch3n and Lukas. We are working on a technical solution to be more reachable.
Accepted proposal: Victor will be added as an additional curator to the branch electronics area
Rationale: He recently invested time and energy into making the electronics area more useable and this will enable him to restock and take care even more.
Accepted proposal: Getting a key: One of the three vouchers has to make an introduction on how to close off the space. We use the wiki page about closing the space as guideline.
Rationale: This was the consensus on the Round Table and is to ensure that all key holders know about their responsibility as such.
(see article above)
Accepted proposal: The Enting can recruit new ents. In order to do so, the following procedure is followed:
Accepted proposal: Tig3rch3n shall become a new Ent
Accepted proposal: Lohrke shall become a new Ent
Accepted proposal: Micha is to be added to the list of Baumschule curators in the wiki
Accepted proposal: Bengoshi is to be added to the list of Baumschule curators in the wiki
Accepted proposal: Olli is to be added to the list of Hobelhöhle curators in the wiki
Accepted proposal: xHain will purchase this embroidery machine: https://www.naehmaschinen.com/brother-innov-is-v3-limited-edition-1093 for 2999 EUR incl. VAT and shipping
Rationale: we have discussed this for a long time, and it is time to move forward.
Am Dienstag, 20.02.2024, kommt die Hamburgerin Elena Tzara (https://elenatzara.com) zum Gespräch unter Bäumen. Elena lebt überzeugend und undogmatisch auf eine Art und Weise, die unseren Enkeln noch etwas übrig lässt. 2012 hat die Transformationsexpertin foodsharing mitbegründet, eine Bewegung gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung. Bei uns redet Elena darüber, was hinter der sozial-ökologischen Transformation steckt; warum grünes Wachstum ein Mythos ist; wie sie ihr Leben überwiegend konsumfrei lebt; und warum sie für Eis jederzeit eine Ausnahme macht. Wir freuen uns auf dich, Elena!
11:00 Kunststudierende zu Besuch im xHain
18:00 Synthesizer Meetup
10:00 Amateurfunklehrgang - Theorie N04
13:00 Infrastructure+Dinner
18:00 Open Monday
18:30 Electronics Tutorial
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
18:30 Godot Engine Stammtisch
20:30 xHain Round Table
12:00 MakeHERSpace
10:00 Amateurfunklehrgang - Theorie N05
13:00 Amateurfunklehrgang - Praxis
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
20:15 Enting meeting [members only]
18:00 XMPP-Meetup
10:00 Queering Code Co-Working
20:00 Member Meeting
10:00 Amateurfunklehrgang - Theorie N06
13:00 Amateurfunklehrgang - Praxis
18:00 Open Monday
19:00 Gespräch unter Bäumen mit Elena Tzara
12:00 MakeHERSpace
20:00 Spieleabend - Game Night
10:00 Amateurfunklehrgang - Theorie E01
14:00 JugendHackt - Python I (Grundlagen)
14:00 OpenSCAD intro workshop
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
18:00 Elixir Lounge
20:15 Curator Meeting
All the best,