Hi there,
here are some news and updates from xHain:
Big thanks to Olli, who lured Festool in donating a new table saw to us. It has the famous SawStop technology, which stops the blade instantly when a finger or wet wood touches it. BEWARE that this new tool requires a separate introduction and triggering the SawStop is an expensive hobby. Follow #hobelhoehle:x-hain.de for introduction rounds.
The toilet is continuously improving! We're working to make it feel more like a serene grove. While overall cleanliness has been a success, a few dedicated individuals still have to clean up after others.
A few important notes:
Everyone must sit down! This is an official xHain rule. Disregarding it may result in sanctions.
Remind everyone to be clean and sit down. This should be mentioned on every tour, and workshop organizers are responsible for communicating this as well.
Not cleaning up after yourself, especially after big business, is particularly disgusting and happens too often. Come on, don't make others clean up your mess!
Accepted proposal: Infrastructure Day related projects take priority on that day. This especially applies to Hobelhöhle.
Rationale: We are happy about every help to make our infrastructure better and want to make sure, that this effort is not curbed by personal projects.
This should be communicated before every Infrastructure Day.
Accepted proposal: Núria is to be added to the list of Textiles curators in the wiki.
Each third Friday of the month, a horde of two to twenty players gathers in xHain for card and tabletop games: From obscure playing cards with a transparent deck to rolling the dice to fight a zombie attack and much more.
Sounds interesting?
Bring yours, let's play!
Next dates (starting 8 pm):
July 19th, August 16th, September 20th
Matrix channel:
Am Dienstag, 16.07.2024, um 19 Uhr ist die Theaterpädagogin und Improvisationskünstlerin Susanne Schmitt zu Gast beim Gespräch unter Bäumen. Mit der begnadeten Susanne wird es im Gespräch und im Tun um das Thema Spielfreude gehen. Das wird herausragend, denn wie Susanne in ihrem Newsletter schreibt: „[Beim Spielen geht es] viel darum, so zu sein, wie man ist. Das ist mitunter verwirrend, weil man so wenig falsch machen kann.“ Bei Susanne sind auch Schreibtischveteran*innen und Computerkörper in bester Gesellschaft, denn sie sagt über sich selbst: „Ich würde vergessen, dass ich einen Körper habe, wenn ich ihn nicht für meinen Beruf bräuchte.“ Und nach dem Gespräch unter Bäumen feiern wir noch Marias 40. Geburtstag. Denn: Menschen hören nicht auf zu spielen, weil sie alt werden, sie werden alt, weil sie aufhören zu spielen. Große Vorfreude auf dich, Susanne!
There are 4 public meetings this month. Starting with this weeks Round Table on Wednesday at 20:30 and Enting meeting on Thursday at 20:15. The second Round Table is on July 17th and last but not least the Curator meeting on 31th at 20:15.
All agendas can be found here, but you need to be logged in:
(as of today, check x-hain.de for up-to-date information)
18:00 Open Monday
20:30 xHain Round Table
10:00 Queering Code Co-Working
20:15 Enting meeting
18:00 Meshtastic Meetup
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
18:00 XMPP-Meetup
12:00 makeHERspace
13:00 Infrastructure + Dinner
13:00 Kindernachmittag
18:00 Open Monday
19:00 Gespräch unter Bäumen mit Susanne Schmitt
19:00 Godot Engine User Group
20:30 xHain Round Table
19:00 Synthesizer Meetup
20:00 Spieleabend - Game Night
18:00 Electronics Tutorial
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
12:00 makeHERspace
18:00 QubesOS Meetup
14:00 JugendHackt Lab
18:00 Electronics Tutorial
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
20:15 Curator meeting
All the best,