Hi there,
here are some news and updates from xHain:
Last weekend, Sebastian, a tenant of the first hour, left the rear office space. Big thanks to Sebastian and his colleagues for the steady support over the years. This was a crucial part of being able to finance our space. We wish you good fortune in your new location!
We had several Round Tables to discuss options, how and if we could use the additional room. We came up with letting Micha use the rear office and use the front office for ourselves. In short we are going to move a few things from other areas in there: AVX from Lobby, Grafics Corner from Laser Lab and office supplies from all over the place. There are additional plans to build a podcast studio and an electric music station in there. And for last, it is also meant to be a room for small (or private) meetings. In length: https://pad.x-hain.de/p/condensation
Thanks to NoGod for preparing and condensing the proposal!
A few members meet regulary to play table tennis at Comenius Platz. Mostly on Fridays, sometimes on Monday, at 1pm. There's a dedicated telegram group chat for communication: https://t.me/+eLNypOYQzgA5YzFi
You will find a spare set of rackets at the stairs zu the Baumhaus.
The current Enting consists of 7 active members: Núria , Dave, Richard, Björn, Max, Tig3rch3n and Gueldi. They represent the legal management of xHain. Feel free to approuch any of these members. You can do so personally, in the matrix chat (@enting:x-hain.de) or by email (enting@x-hain.de).
There is a consensus that the Enting, in its current form, will cease to exist once the association is set up. For this reason the Enting concured to suspend the reset of the Enting, which was scheduled for this month. More about the Enting: https://wiki.x-hain.de/en/Governance/Enting
An adjusted Vereinssatzung was sent to the Finanzamt and we are waiting for its approval.
Currently a group is meeting on Mondays at 20:00 to write the Geschäftsordnung. These are the rule books how we conduct our meetings and what competence and responsibilities one association body holds. We've made some headway and expect to present the texts in October.
When we have the approval of the Finanzamt and agreed on a Geschäftsordnung, we have everything together to convert xHain to an "e.V." (registered association). There will be a big member meeting about this before the end of the year.
Accepted proposal: We buy a dehumidifier / air purifier for the Scubar, as suggested by Olli. Costs will be 400€ plus filter.
Accepted proposal: Núria shall become a new Ent.
Am Dienstag, 17.09.24, ist die studierte Ethnologin und Kampfkünstlerin Christin Schröder zu Gast beim Gespräch unter Bäumen. Christin hat sich schon als Kind mit den großen Fragen beschäftigt: Was ist, wenn man Angst vor dem Tod hat, aber mit niemandem darüber reden kann? Über jugendliche Gedanken über Gewalt und Macht hat Christin den Weg zur Kampfkunst gefunden. Seit 14 Jahren praktiziert die 43-Jährige Bujinkan. In der Kampfkunst setzt sie sich ausführlich mit Gewalt in Körper und Sprache auseinander und verfeinert ihre demütige Haltung dem Leben gegenüber. Neben all dem, was daran interessant ist, wollen wir auch über das bestimmende Thema der letzten Wochen sprechen. Wie soll man mit Gewalt im öffentlichen Raum umgehen? Was kann Zivilcourage leisten? Und gibt es überhaupt eine Möglichkeit, einen Messerangriff abzuwehren? Wir freuen uns sehr auf deinen Besuch, Christin!
(as of today, check x-hain.de for up-to-date information)
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
20:30 xHain Round Table
12:00 makeHERspace
16:00 Jugend Chillt
18:00 OpenComs Meetup
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
17:00 Beat Hobelhöhle
18:00 XMPP-Meetup
20:15 Enting meeting
16:00 Jugend Chillt
19:00 Godot Engine User Group
13:00 Infrastructure + Dinner
18:00 Open Monday
19:00 Gespräch unter Bäumen mit Christin Schröder
17:00 Beat Hobelhöhle
20:30 xHain Round Table
12:00 makeHERspace
16:00 Jugend Chillt
20:00 Spieleabend - Game Night
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
17:00 Beat Hobelhöhle
20:15 Curator Meeting
18:00 Synthesizer Meetup
16:00 Jugend Chillt
18:00 QubesOS Meetup
14:00 JugendHackt Lab
18:00 Open Monday
All the best,