Hi there,
here are some news and and a happy new year from xHain:
Between the years - in Hamburg - over 30 members of xHain found themselves at the xHain assembly at this years Chaos Communication Congress.
Olli and Hazel gave workshops that introduced people to the embroidery machine, Lohrke Rick-rolled hundreds of visitors with our pen plotter - Harry Plotter - playing "never gonna give you up". While somewhere on the other side of the wardrobe lobby, Lohrke's vacuum robot was controlled by whisteling into a DECT phone, which was even mentioned in the closing event! It was great to see new-to-congress-members of xHain getting a hang of this chaos so quickly and enjoying congress on their own terms and speed. We had wonderful fluffy cloud lamps thanks to Marin, Nico brought a fascinating lamp in a bottle, our former dodecahedron and tetraeder installation was hung up to spread nice ambient light. Patryk's photobooth was a success and mayham decorated the CCH mirrors, prepared video slides and built a wonderful lasercut tree lamp.
We also had at least four presenters:
- Dave told everyone about xHain
- Marco / Kitty spoke about onesies
- DerMicha about BinDa
- Lars gave an introduction talk into amateur radio
This wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful teams of jugendhackt, bitsundbäume and everyone else of the Garderoben Foyer orga.
Once again we changed the schedule for meetings, it is all in good tradition.
The two Round Tabels will still happen on first and third Wednesday of the month at 20:30. The Enting meeting happens before the first Round Table at 19:00 and the newly established Vorstand meeting takes place before the second Round Table at 19:00. Last but not least there is the Curator meeting on every last Wednesday of the month at 20:15.
Only in January we shifted the meetings from 1st to 2nd, because it might be a bit much to have two meetings on New Year.
Accepted proposal: Sebastian will be added to the Wiki as a curator for accessibility. Rationale: it is good to have someone who people with accessibility issues can turn to.
Am Dienstag, 21.01.25, kommt um 19 Uhr Birte Viermann (https://birte-viermann.de/liebesilja) zum Gespräch unter Bäumen in den xHain. 2021 und 2022 hat Birte ihre an ME/CFS unheilbar erkrankte Schwester Silja gepflegt und bis in den assistierten Freitod hinein begleitet. Über diese intensive Zeit hat Birte ein sehr lebensbejahendes Buch geschrieben. Beim Gespräch unter Bäumen reden wir über Liebe, Freiheit und Kunst - und darüber, wie man allgemein aus Krisen heraus kommt. Dabei wird uns zugute kommen, dass Birte Diplom-Psychologin und als Coach für Körperarbeit tätig ist. Sie hat also nicht nur eine Geschichte erlebt, wie sie jeden von uns hätte treffen können. Sondern sie beschäftigt sich auch beruflich damit, wie man gut mit dem Leben umgeht. Kurz: Dieses Gespräch unter Bäumen bietet sich euch als ideales Jahresanfangsgespräch an.
(as of today, check x-hain.de for up-to-date information)
13:00 38c3 Trailer unload @xHain
19:00 Enting Meeting
20:30 xHain Round Table
16:00 Jugend Chillt
18:00 Open Coms
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
17:00 Beat Hobelhöhle
18:00 XMPP-Meetup
12:00 makeHERspace
16:00 Jugend Chillt
10:00 Amateurfunk-Lehrgang
13:00 Infra Day
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
17:00 Beat 3DLab
19:00 Vorstandstreffen
20:30 Round Table
18:00 Synthesizer Meetup
16:00 Jugend Chillt
10:00 Amateurfunk-Lehrgang
13:00 Amateurfunk-Lehrgang Praxis
11:00 CoderDojo Lötworkshop
18:00 Open Monday
19:00 Gespräch unter Bäumen mit Birte Viermann
17:00 Beat 3DLab
12:00 makeHERspace
16:00 Jugend Chillt
10:00 Amateurfunk-Lehrgang
18:00 Electronics Tutorial
18:00 Open Monday
20:00 Neurodivergent Crafting Night
17:00 Beat Hobelhöhle
20:15 Curator Meeting
16:00 Jugend Chillt
18:00 QubesOS Meetup
All the best,
richard & dave