This is only for reviewing new space rules.
Depending on the severity of the violation, failure to respect our space rules may result in the withdrawal of key authorisation, machine usage authorisation, termination of membership without notice and ban from entering any xHain spaces.
After some complaints, we agreed with the neighbours on the following points:
This also applies to open Monday nights! Please ask noisy people to talk quietly after 10pm.
There is no cleanup service personell at xHain. The cleanup crew is YOU!
Always leave xHain/the work area cleaner than you found it! This means: clean up your own stuff as well as stuff left lying about from other people.
In case of an emergency/someone is in danger, please contact police (tel: 110)/fire brigade (tel: 112) immediately. In case of a serious rule violation, please intervene, find support from other (longterm) members and/or alert #general chat. If it is not safe for you to intervene: (Police tel 110).
There are machines that require instruction, such as laser cutters, CNC, embroidery machine, 3D printers or powertools. They are usually marked with an "authorisation required" sticker. Make sure that these machines are not used by anyone without explicit permission and instruction. A complete and up-to-date list of machines can be found in our Branches.
Strangers/unauthorised persons: When you are at xHain, always pay attention to your surroundings and who enters or leaves the room.
2.1. During non-public events/activities:
a. Consider locking the front door after you in order to not be disturbed by strangers.
b. If someone you don't know enters the room, approach this person in a friendly way, ask for their name, current activity/status, and if they are a xHain member. If not, and you cannot pay attention to what they are doing: ask the person to leave xHain. Do not be deceived by a self-evident posture ("I belong here")!
c. Do not allow non-members to take material, tools or equipment with them.
d. If a stranger claims to have permission from an xHain member to stay/take away a device, please check this claim with this member or deny the request.
2.2 For public events:
a. If you are in charge of the event, please read the section on "Workshops & Events".
b. If you are not in charge of the event, please stay alert and help out to ensure that our space rules are followed. For example, strangers should not take beverages from the the fridge without paying or registering in the tally sheet ("Strichliste"), the workshop leader(s) should always greet newcomers in a friendly manner, please make sure no one uses or takes equipment or material without authorization, etc.
First Aid, Fire Extinguishers and Personal Protection: Fire extinguishers and first aid kits are available at several locations at xHain. Familiarise yourself with the locations and how to use them. After use, or if something is missing, please bring it to attention immediately in our #general chat. Gloves, ear protection, etc. can be found in the respective work areas. A more detailed overview with photos can be found on the safety page.
Fire: If, for example, a machine has caught fire, please extinguish the flames with the fire extinguishers provided.
a. If the fire is already out of control, leave the room immediately and call the fire brigade (Tel: 112).
b. Laser cutter: Attention, please do not overreact! It is not uncommon for a workpiece in a laser cutter to catch on fire. Open the glass flap to stop the laser from cutting, wait 2-3 seconds for the flames to be put out by the ventilation or try to put them out by hand. Please only use a fire extinguisher if the flames get out of control.
NEVER return a used fire extinguisher to its storage place. Put it on the floor and inform the #general chat or Enting. We will then check whether the fire extinguisher needs to be replaced.
An empty fire extinguisher helps no one and endangers human lives in an emergency!
It is strictly prohibited to sleep (spend the night sleeping) at xHain or turn it into a personal "living room"!
Please throw away food/leftovers into a bin outside(!) of xHain. It attracts flies, rats and vermin.
Do not make xHain unnecessarily dirty. Do not bring bicycles or similar into our space.
Do not smoke indoors. Do not bring/prepare/consume/show off illegal drugs.
If it's illegal, it's also forbidden here.
Be mindful that people might have different communication styles and may communicate or perceive things differently than you. Act and communicate in good faith.
7.Make the space as accessible as possible. Keep the marked paths clear.
Instructions: The wiki documentation of individual machines acts only as a reminder and does NOT replace personal instruction and explicit permission to use!
Permits to use machines can be withdrawn if the rules are disregarded!
We reserve the right to dispose of old and unmarked items without warning.
The following applies to workshop leaders, even if they are not xHain members: